Posted by: motorpurrr | May 7, 2023

It has been a while (part 2)

Tiny Pearl, Lulu Bell and Cosmo were all that’s left at this point

For years Tiny Pearl had allergy issues, usually in spring and fall. The vet noticed, since he had it written down. So it was more about pollen than food. She would scratch and lick until she was sore. It got worse as time went on. The vet didn’t want to give her cortizone all the time or she would become diabetic. Lulu already had that. I didn’t need 2.

Tiny was eating a special food and was on Atopica. Sadly it has a side effect that can hurt the lungs. Even with all of that she still had allergy issues and was not happy most of the time. Especially as we got a new kitten, Butterscotch.

We wanted to get a new kitten while Lulu was still with us because she is really good about showing them the ropes. Which was a good thing as Butterscotch didn’t know how to drink water. I also had to mix her soupy food.

Tiny always had a drinking problem. We had a fountain for a while, that worked very well, but after we moved here, she started to accidently breath some in. Of course by the time I get to the vet, she was fine. It got worse, then one day she just freaked out and couldn’t breath, then she was gone. My bestest friend ever.

She passed 2 years ago.

Lulu Bell became diabetic well before we moved. Most I hear of, dont make it but 2 years. She did very well for I thinl over 5 years. A blessing.

We got another kitten, Ember, so Lulu could teach her the ropes and so Butterscotch would have a buddy. Ember came from the same mother but a year later.

Last summer Lulu started to fail and got to weak to be given meds, since she quit eating. I just wanted her to go peacefully instead of in fear at the vet. she would get scared if she thought I was going to sweep her away to the vet. She passed away in my arms here at home. We miss her so much. A cat super full of love and caring.

Luckily we still have cute Cosmo 🙂


  1. I never knew how Tiny Pearl passed but I am glad it was with her mama. XXXX

    • I miss her much and Lulu too. nice to see you

  2. Sad about the passing of Tiny Pearl and the others.

    • wow! Hey nice to hear from you. Thank you. It was rough, so many in jut a few years. All made it to ripe ole ages tho.

      • Glad that Pearl had a long life.

  3. It’s me, Katiebella. Just wanted to say Good morning to you. I re-read your post and sad that so many babies flew away to the Bridge. XXX

    • Thank you for visiting. miss you. Hope all is well with you.

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